Baghdad Compound

Middle East Trip»Iraq
On the grounds of the Baghdad compound
  • Sunset in Baghdad compound    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Sunset in Baghdad compound    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Sunset in Baghdad compound    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Sunset in Baghdad compound    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Sunset in Baghdad compound    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Sunset in Baghdad    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Small sand storm in Baghdad    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Small sand storm in Baghdad    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Dust storm in the Baghdad ompound ... near the living quarters.    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • My bed for 2 weeks ... adequate ... lucky there was a TV in the room    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Volleyball anyone?    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The "Ba'ath Party Convention Center" ... another spot that was bombed by US forces    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A nice scene within the Baghdad compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris).    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • View of  "The Flinstone Palace" ... built for the kids    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • View of  "The Flinstone Palace" ... built for the kids    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • View of  "The Flinstone Palace" ... built for the kids    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • View of  "The Flinstone Palace" ... built for the kids    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • View of  "The Flinstone Palace" ... built for the kids    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Mural of you-know-who    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Mural of you-know-who    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • View of  "The Flinstone Palace" ... built for the kids ... complete with multiple bathrooms, kitchens, and an elevator    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of what was supposed to be the largest mosque in the world ... construction stopped after they found out it wasn't going to be the largest    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A view of Sadham's compound ... the water is diverted from the two rivers (Euphrates & Tigris)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • I doubt it    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Don't drink and drive: Alcohol is prohibited ... so how is this possible?    [ JHB Travel Photos ]